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Showing posts from March, 2021

Review: Collected Poems of Federico García Lorca, revised bilingual edition

I finished reading this anthology a few weeks ago, and apparently forgot to ever post a review. While García Lorca is one of the best-known Spanish poets, I was actually quite unfamiliar with his work before picking up this collection. Perhaps starting with an anthology of this size was jumping in off the deep end, but it was an enjoyable experience. Because this edition uses several different translators, there's a lot of variation even beyond what's inherent in the poems. Despite a very limited knowledge of Spanish, I found I enjoyed it being a dual language book--especially for sections where I didn't like some of the stylistic choices of the translations much and could then compare with the original. All in all, a very enjoyable collection of poetry.

Review: Exiles

  I received an electronic ARC through NetGalley for review. This is an interesting novel that deals with several overlapping stories about Irish workers in England in the 1950s. The stories are interwoven, with characters occasionally encountering one another and then reappearing several chapters later in their own narratives. This is a translation from the Irish, and I can't speak to the quality of the translation as I am not familiar with the source language or text.